Welcome to the Seacoast Guitar Society Classifieds! SGS members can post their ads as part of the membership package, as long as they deal with some guitar-related topic. This is a great place to buy or sell an instrument, equipment, or recordings (new or used), advertise if you teach or want lessons, offer your services for recording, video, or instrument repair, find a band or a band member, or even to promote a musical social event or to meet some other like-minded musicians or listeners in the area. Area musicians can plug their gigs and new recordings here, and we hope this will be a useful, readily available and inexpensive way to help build our Seacoast Guitar community. Enjoy!

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Seacoast Guitar Society
PO Box 815 York, ME 03909
207-363-1886 (phone)

The Seacoast Guitar Society is a not-for-profit 501 c(3) corporation

SGS Home Page | About the SGS | How to Join | Upcoming Events | Tickets/Reservations | SGS CDs | Workshops | Guitar Talk | Reviews | Classified Ads | Guitarist Directory | Guitar Resources | Kid's Corner | Scrapbook | Press/Publicity Info | Contact SGS

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